That was back in 2003 and we have provided that support in a variety of ways ever since.
We welcome all comers, Wherever you live and whichever hospital you attended.
Being told you have prostate cancer can be quite a shock for you and your family, Many of us find it helps to talk to others who have been there before you,
Listen to their experiences and share ours.
The realisation that it isnt JUST YOU , can be very helpful.
We hold our meetings in three locations, You are welcome to come to any or all, Which ever suits you best.
There are no membership fees or forms to fill in.
You are not expected to say or do anything.
Our meeting locations and times.

We hold regular meetings in CancerCare, Slynedales, on the second Tuesday of the month. 7pm until 9pm
This is our Primary venue and we try to have speakers each meeting,
Mostly medical related to keep members informed about prostate cancer, its treatment, research projects and related matters all highly experienced and knowledgeable medical professionals.
We also invite non medical speakers, they have come from a wide range of backgrounds and have included a cold war pilot and a High Sheriff.
We like to meet at 7pm for a chance to grab a brew and a biscuit and chat to any
new comers before getting sat down and ready for our speaker.
There will be odd times when we dont have a speaker, on those occasions we talk and socialise.
What three words location ///front.nuns.wanted
Also courtesy of our friends at CancerCare, on Blackhall Road, across from the multi storey and bus station. We meet here on the first Friday of the month at 10am until 12:00 Noon.
This takes the form of a drop in, Come for a chat a brew and a biscuit or two.
What three words location ///
We have recently started meeting in Bentham Town Hall on the Second Thursday of the month.
The thinking behind this location is that Bentham is the most easterly point of the catchement area, possibly easier to get to for some. Whether it is travelling or simply the day of the week.
7:30pm til 8:30pm. All welcome, again, it doesnt matter where you live, you will be welcome .
The other reason is that I live there, so a bit selfish.
What three words Location ///shampoo.apparatus.jars
Come along to any of our meetings to find out more and feel free to bring a partner, Family member or friend. You’re all welcome.