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This is planned to be a sort of Jargon buster,  The original one went pearshaped when I imported the tables.
Work in progress.

We regularly hear about guys who ask their GP for a PSA test, and get talked out of it.
Fair to say, it can be a misleading test,  You can have a high PSA with no cancer or a low PSA and have Prostate Cancer.
So although all men over 50 are entitled to a PSA test, It isnt a test to diagnose Prostate Cancer !

The most common test is to lie on your side while the GP shoves their finger up your bum and feels the Prostate through the Bowel wall.
But they can only feel part of the Prostate, So why is that considered to be more reliable than a blood test ?

As far as we know, the most reliable test is an MPMRI Scan, But I cant see that being rolled out for
55 thousand patients, which I hear is how many were diagnosed in 2023.

There would seem to be two ways to work around this. One is telling the GP your Grandfather had Prostate Cancer, Which we dont encourage, as it is telling porkies and we wouldnt recommend that. 

The other method is to contact  GFCT who run a series of test events around the country , If you cant get to one of those, they will send out a do it at home blood test kit for under £30. You return the completed test to them and they will get back to you with you result and a suggested course of action, Or not.  Website

Information from the NHS Sussex webpage.  

The link .   Click HERE   or copy and paste the url below.

It is never too soon to start doing Pelvic floor exercises, Especially if you are going to have a prostatectomy.

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