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It is a drop in concept, Wander in and grab a brew, a biscuit and have a chat to others with and beyond Prostate Cancer.
There is no committment,Feel free to bring your partner or pal.
There will be tea, coffee and chocolate biscuits.
Tuesday the 11th of February we meet at CancerCare, Slynedales, Slyne Rd, Lancaster. 7pm until 9pm.
There are no plans to have a speaker at this meeting, But looking at March when the weather should be better and hope more of you are able to venture out.
Thursday the 13th of February we meet at Bentham Town Hall, Station Road, High Bentham. 7:30 until 9pm.
Again, a "Drop in" just walk in and grab a brew and a biscuit or two.
If you are new to us and fancy a chat prior to coming. You can drop us an email or give us a call.
Email to team @ tbpcsg .org or call us on 07867 276 512 at civilised UK times please.
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Well attended and a good chat.
The Kendal group meet on the first Friday of each month from 10am until Noon.
Next meeting will be on Friday the 7th of February.
January the 9th we meet in the Lower Town Hall , Station Road, High Bentham. 7:30pm until 9pm.doesnt matter where you live, Bring you partner or a mate if you wish.
January the 14th we meet at Cancer Care, Slynedales, Lancaster. from 7pm until 9pm.
All out meetings are open to everyone living with or beyond Prostate Cancer.
Come for a chat a brew and a biscuit or two.
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On Friday the 6th of December, Our Kendal drop in runs from 10am until Noon
at Cancer Care, Blackhall Road. Kendal. All welcome for a chat and a brew.
After which I shall be heading to Wetherspoons for a little festive cheer, If anyone fancies keeping me company, that would be nice.
Tuesday the 10th, We meet at Cancer Care, Slynedales from 7pm until 9pm.
We dont have a speaker this month, So it is more of a chat and share experiences etc.
As always, everyone is welcome.
Thursday the 12th, Bentham Town Hall, from 7:30pm until 9pm.
The usual drop in and a brew with a biscuit etc.
With the Black Bull right next door, it would be silly not to go and admire their decorations etc.
This pub has one of our posters in their Gents toilets and has been very supportive.
Also, I applied to Bentham Town Council for a grant and they are giving us £300 which will cover the room costs for the coming year, ( I think ).
Lastly, If I dont happen to see you at one of the above meetings, I should like to wish you and your family a pleasant and happy Christmas.
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The first meeting is in Kendal on Friday the 1st. 10am till 12. at Cancer Care on Blackhall Road.
All welcome to our drop in.
Lancaster on Tuesday the 12th, 7pm til 9pm. We are expecting a speaker from North West Blood Bikes.
Hopefully we can put out enough chairs.
We are also expecting some members of Mobile Chaos who sadly lost a mate to prostate cancer.
The fantastic folk from Mobile Chaos raised an incredible £600 for us.
Then Bentham on Thurs the 14th 7:30 til 9pm. in the Lower Town Hall. A brew and a biscuit.
Contact us via our website.
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Hi Folks
October dates for your diary, if you use one.
Friday the 4th of October
Our Kendal drop in takes place in the Cancer Care building on Blackhall Road, Kendal .
We start at 10am and finish at Noon.
All welcome for a chat and a brew with a biscuit or two.
Tuesday the 8th of October.
We meet at Slynedales from 7pm until 9pm.
Unless there is a last minute change, there is no speaker booked this month.
We have one or two in the pipeline including someone from Blood Bikes and also a magician.
Thursday the 10th of October
we have a drop in at Bentham Town Hall from 7:30pm until 9pm.
Like all of our meetings, Everyone is welcome, doesn't matter where you live or which hospital you attend.
Come for a chat and a brew etc.
On Sunday the 6th of October
There is The Age Friendly Festival at the Kendal Leisure Centre.
Open to the public from 11:30am until 2pm.
For more info.
Alan and me are having a stand there.
If you are in the area, come and say hello.
We have over 80 members on our Facebook group and these emails go out to 50 addresses, yet at the last meeting in Slynedales there were seven of us listening to Helen our speaker.
I realise group meetings are not for everybody, and some have other things to do, But I feel a tad embarrassed inviting a speaker to talk to such a small group.
So, I would appreciate some feedback on the group, what you think we should do to improve it, What you think we are doing wrong etc.
Please reply to
Thank you.
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From 10am until Noon we have our drop in at Cancer Care on Blackhall Road in Kendal.
Just across the road from the Multi Story car park.
If you are living with Prostate Cancer or the effects of it , Come for a chat and a brew.
All welcome.

Bentham Agricultural Show.
On Saturday the 7th of September you can find us at the Bentham Agricultural Society's Show.
We are having a table there with leaflets and information about our Group and Prostate Cancer risks.
We have tried awareness stands at Rugby Grounds, Now we are trying the Farming community.
Come and say hello.

Westmorland County Show.
Wednesday the 11th and Thursday the 12th of September we will be at the Westmorland Show
This is another new event for us, The estimated foot fall is over 20 thousand, Hopefully we can get our message across to some. GET CHECKED.
Our stand is H 270. Marked with a red arrow on our map. Near a picnic area.

Not sure where abouts we will be situated, but it will be close to the UHMBT stand.
Also grateful thanks to the Show Committee who waived the pitch fee for us, an incredibly generous gesture.
Westmorland Show Website for tickets etc. ClickHere

Tuesday the 10th of September at Slynedales.
We meet at Cancer Care, Slynedales, Lancaster from 7pm until 9pm .
Our visiting speaker this month is Helen Millar from Macmillan Care, MBHT.

Thursday the 12th of September in Bentham.
Our drop in at Bentham Town Hall is on the 12th, ( I counted the thursdays this time )
On the second Thursday of each month, We have drop in from 7:30pm until 9pm
in Bentham Town Hall.
Some of us will have come straight from Westmorland Show, so may look more frazzled than usual.
A chat a brew and a biscuit or two.
All welcome, doesnt matter where you live,

Thats about it for September, Although there were some social things talked about, So any updates or changes will be emailed round and changed on here.
Take care. Write comment (0 Comments)
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August 2024
August starts with our KENDAL drop in,
Friday the 2nd of August at 10am until noon at the Cancer Care Building on Blackhall road. LA9 4BT
The building is across from the multi story car park.
All welcome, come for a chat a brew and a biscuit or two.
Tuesday the 13th of August, We meet at Cancer Care, Slynedales, Lancaster LA2 6ST
from 7pm until 9pm.
This month we have Mark Kelly from Tackle coming for a chat and to tell us about Tackle and how they can help groups like ours.
As with all our meetings, Everyone is welcome for a chat and a brew with a biscuit or two.
Thursday 15th of August, at Bentham Town Hall, 7:30 until 9pm.
This is another drop in style, sit round a table and chat with a brew...
We are one group, but we meet in three locations, So you are welcome to come to whichever is easiest for you to get to.
If you find you are unable to make it to any of our meetings but would like to talk to another person with experience of Prostate Cancer and the effects of the treatment, Get in touch.
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